Student & Parent Technology Help

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Optional Device Maintenance Plan - Click Here

How do I log into my district-issued Chromebook?

If you are a K-2 user using a QuickCard QR code to logon to your Chromebook, please click here to watch this video on QuickCard Chromebook Login & Portal Access

How do I update my district-issued Chromebook?

You may need to update your Chromebook to ensure your device is performing at the most current version Chrome OS. Follow these instructions to check for and update Chrome OS in four easy clicks.

What do I do if I do not have a Chromebook?

If you need to check out a district issued Chromebook, we are happy to help. Please complete the following steps: 

1., Fill out our Usage Agreement Form here.

2. Create a Helpdesk request here.

How do I use NISD WiFi for my personal device (BYOD)?

NOTE: While we fully support BYOD in the instructional setting, in order to comply with state and other organizational requirements for testing, all students are required to take some assessments on districted owned and managed devices. 

What is the NISD Portal?

The Portal at is your "one-stop-shop" for educational tools and websites where you can easily access your learning materials with one click. Once you log into the portal with your NISD username and password, you have access to almost all of your learning resources without having to log in again or remember the links to other sites! Portal works best on Chrome browser on a computer or Chromebook, but can also be used from ipads running iOS 11 and newer Android devices.

Please watch our YouTube video on the NISD Portal here and learn more about the portal and other digital tools on our Digital learning Resources page.

Does my student have email and how can I access my student email?

Each student in the district has a district generated email address through Gmail that is the same as their district username followed by Students can login to their email through the NISD Portal, by clicking on Gmail icon on their Chromebook, or by navigating directly to Gmail and logging in with their district email. Student email and password credentials will be initially issued to students as:

For example, if a student's name was "John Smith" their email and password would be and JS123456

What if my Chromebook is telling me I can't go to Seesaw or Canvas because of a privacy issue?

This is happening because the Chromebook is likely brand new and needs to update the operating system (Chrome OS) to the current version. Once it does this, you should be able to access these resources without issue. Here are two ways to do that:

I tried to get into Seesaw but don't see anything; do I need a code?

Sometimes it takes a couple of seconds for ClassLink to work its magic and sign you into Seesaw. If you click on the sign in screens in the middle of the sign in process, it could break the sign in and you won't end up in the right place. Please follow the example in this short video to see how to log in to Seesaw through the NISD Portal.

Remember: click, wait 10, then touch again.

How do I use Zoom for video-conferencing?

If your class or meeting has a need for Your teacher will either post the link in their Seesaw/Canvas or send you a link  for any Zoom meetings. All you need to do is click on a Zoom link to enter the meeting. Depending on the way the teacher has it set up, it may require you to put in a password (provided by the teacher) or log in with your NISD username and password. It's important to remember not to take or post a picture during Zoom conferences. 

I am concerned about security with Zoom conferences. How is the district protecting students from "zoombombing"?

Northwest ISD takes digital security and privacy very seriously and we have taken steps to use Zoom with these in mind. In order to better inform our educators about the use of this tool our legal counsel and instructional technology team joined together and sent out both a legal FAQ and an infographic regarding settings to use in order to best protect students through use of the program’s settings. These considerations include:

- Don't post the link publicly 

- Require a password when setting up conferences 

- Change the settings that require permission to share screens

- Enable the waiting room for admitting others

All of these settings, among others, are ones controlled by the meeting host. There is nothing you need to do on your end from a technical standpoint in order to increase safety and security. From a digital citizenship standpoint, the best thing you can do is be present when your student is joining a meeting so you can monitor their online interactions and intercede if you feel it necessary. We understand this may not always be an option for all parents, which is why we have taken the steps above to educate our staff for the protection of our students. 

For more information on Zoom security, visit Zoom's security page. Zoom keeps privacy and security top of mind for all end users. Find additional resources and features on how Zoom secures data and protects user privacy here.

How do I connect to my hotspot or home wireless network?

You can use any wireless network you have access to, including personal hotspots. For a tutorial on how to connect your Chromebook to a wireless network, click here.

Why should I use Home Access Center and how do I reset my password?

Home Access Center lets you stay connected to your grades, attendance, and more! All password reset instructions can be found here. Home Access Center can also be accessed via web or the eSchoolPlus Family App, available from the App Store or Google Play.  Please click here for more answers and information about HAC. 

HAC Parent Access Instructions

How do I reset my password?

A short video showing student password reset instructions can be found here.

Where can I find more information about NISD digital tools?

Looking for information on district digital tools such as Lexia, Imagine Math, Google Classroom, Moodle, and many more? Access the sub-page from this site on Digital learning Resources here for more information about these tools and how to access them all through the NISD portal.  Home Access Center can be accessed via the eSchoolPlus Family App, available from the App Store or Google Play.  

How do I access my TCC email on my Chromebook?

Click here to view a video on adding your TCC Google profile to your district Chromebook.

I'm graduating or leaving NISD. How long will I have access to my NISD account and how can I transfer ownership of content within my Google Drive and ePortfolio  to retain access long term?

After you leave Northwest ISD, students' login credentials are inactive although your Google Drive content will remain archived for up to 6-months before being permanently deleted. For this reason, it is best practice to transfer ownership of your digital resources from your NISD Google Drive to a personal account.

For questions regarding access to your google drive content please call the Helpdesk at 817-698-1000 or email


Some Tips and Tricks: Try these first!

Charge your Chromebook to over 10% battery power before continuing.

Reboot your Chromebook to see if that solves your issue.

I cannot log into websites through Portal or login to other educational sites.

The Northwest ISD portal works best on a Chromebook or laptop. Please try the following fixes:

Sign out of all non-NISD Google accounts - Tutorial

Clear Cache - Tutorial

Reset Browser Settings - Tutorial

Remove and Re-add User Profile (Before you do this, make sure you have your home wireless information because you will have to reconnect to wireless.) - Tutorial

My cursor is disappearing when using Chrome.

I need to clear the cookies and cache in my browser.

Please check out the Google tutorial here.

I am trying to login to my Chromebook, but it is asking for an old password to not delete my data.

For this, you will want to remove and re-add your user profile to your Chromebook. Click here for those instructions.

My Chromebook is not charging and/or powering on.

Please try the following fix:

Manual Restart - Tutorial

How do I use Parent Square?

Still having trouble?

Click the helpdesk button below to submit a Student/Parent HelpDesk ticket for assistance!